My whole life I dreamed of being an author, and that dream came to true in December 2011 with the launch of our book, “Unjunk Your Junk Food.”
The reason I wanted to write this book was because I was spending a lot of time looking for healthier alternatives for myself and my kids so I thought—why not share my findings with others who wanted the same thing for themselves and their kids. My co-author, Lisa Tsakos, and I spent two years researching, writing, testing, and editing our book. It was a labour of TONS of LOVE.
I’m proud to say that our book was the first to highlight the “bad” ingredients found in processed foods. We made a point of calling out the ingredients we should avoid in a specific product and why, and then provided healthier options.
I’m very proud to have a handwritten note from journalist, author and mother—Maria Shriver, telling me how much she enjoyed reading it.
I also received a personal endorsement from the Oscar-winning actor, Alan Arkin. Alan in a personal friend and I admire him and his wife Suzanne tremendously for their dedication to eating and living a healthy lifestyle.
You can find my book on Amazon here.